Kapitel 1, Thema 1
In Bearbeitung

How does this course work?

First, you will receive every week (always Friday) a new e-learning module with 12 TH with which you can start learning independently.

You will receive 12 e-learning modules per language level. There is a total of 48 eLearning modules:

12 e-learning modules = A1

12 e-learning modules = A2

12 e-learning modules = B1

12 e-learning modules = B2

12 TH x Week

You have in total 576 TH of e-learning modules

Second, you will have 6 TH of lessons with a tutor/teacher for the German language distributed in three online real-live classes of two hours every class from Monday to Friday.

You can attend one class, two or all three classes, according to your needs and preferences. The tutor will accompany you live in a virtual classroom.

This is your time for language exercises, to ask questions, get help and clear up any ambiguities.

6 TH x Week

You have in total 288 TH of tutor/teacher

Finally, a final test of the module is scheduled.

If you pass the final test successfully, you will receive a certificate for your week-module.

2 TH x Week

You have in total 96 TH of test


12 TH Elearning6 TH Tutorium
Virtual Classroom

2 TH Test
20 TH Week
20 TH x 48 Weeks = 960 TH/Course/1 Year

Think about it, you may study more than 20 TH hours at home.

Sometimes you have to do some homework or study with additional material.

You may need two until eight hours more in the week for your German course.

Of course, you can study with our e-learning modules as much as you like.